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Holly Howe

Professeure adjointe,  Département de marketing

Holly Howe


HEC Montréal
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7

Courriel : holly.howe@hec.ca
Téléphone : 514 340-3184
Secrétariat: 514 340-8826
Télécopieur : n/d
Bureau : 4.721

Page Personnelle


  • Ph. D. (marketing), Duke University
  • M. Sc. (kinésiologie), University of Toronto
  • B. Sc. (psychologie, cheminement honours), McMaster University

Recherche actuelle

  • À venir

Cette sélection de publications couvre les 5 dernières années.


Articles de revues (13)

HOWE, Holly, WIENER, Hillary J.D., CHARTRAND, Tanya L.; « Money can buy me love: Gifts are a more effective form of acute social support than conversations », Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2025 (statut : en ligne).

FRAZER, Abigail, NDOJA, Silvio, HOWE, Holly, SINGH, Supriya; « Gender trends in orthopedic surgical residency programs in Canada over 20 years », Canadian Journal of Surgery / Journal canadien de chirurgie, vol. 68, no 1, 2025, p. E41-E47.

NDOJA, Silvio, HOWE, Holly, PAPP, Steven R., SCHEMITSCH, Emil, LANTING, Brent; « Perceptions of readiness for independent practice among graduating orthopedic surgery residents in Ontario in the last 30 years », Canadian Journal of Surgery / Journal canadien de chirurgie, vol. 67, no 6, 2024, p. E370-E376.

OBA, Demi, HOWE, Holly, FITZSIMONS, Gavan J.; « Brand Teasing: How Brands Build Strong Relationships by Making Fun of Their Consumers », Journal of Consumer Research, 2024 (statut : en ligne).

HOWE, Holly, ZHOU, Lingrui, DIAS, Rodrigo S., FITZSIMONS, Gavan J.; « Aha over Haha: Brands benefit more from being clever than from being funny », Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 33, no 1, 2023, p. 107-114.

MAKARA, Amanda, HOWE, Holly, COOPER, Marita, HECKERT, Kerri, WEISS, Samantha, KELLOM, Katherine, SCHARF, Danielle, UBEL, Peter A., ORLOFF, Natalia, TIMKO, C. Alix; « Modifying an Open Science Online Grocery for parents of youth with anorexia nervosa: A proof-of-concept study », International Journal of Eating Disorders, vol. 56, no 5, 2023, p. 1011-1020.

MURRAY, Ross, HOWE, Holly, SYLVESTER, Benjamin, WILLSON, Erin, SABISTON, Catherine; « Associations between resistance training motivation, behaviour and strength », International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology , vol. 20, no 3, 2022, p. 965-980.

GITAU, Kevin, HOWE, Holly, GINSBERG, Lydia, PERL, Jeffrey, AILON, Jonathan; « Therapeutic Cannabis Use in Kidney Disease: A Survey of Canadian Nephrologists », Kidney Medicine , vol. 4, no 5, 2022, p. 1-10.

HOWE, Holly, UBEL, Peter A., FITZSIMONS, Gavan J.; « Open Science Online Grocery: A Tool for Studying Choice Context and Food Choice », Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, vol. 7, no 4, 2022, p. 393-402.

WIENER, Hillary J.D., HOWE, Holly, CHARTRAND, Tanya L.; « Being there without being there: Gifts compensate for lack of in-person support », Psychology & Marketing, vol. 39, no 6, 2022, p. 1267-1279.

KARLINSKY, April, HOWE, Holly, DE JONGE, Melissa, KINGSTONE, Alan, SABISTON, Catherine, WELSH, Timothy N.; « Body Image and Voluntary Gaze Behaviors towards Physique-Salient Images », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no 5, 2021, p. 1-15.

DECELLES, Katherine A., ADAMS, Gabrielle, HOWE, Holly, JOHN, Leslie; « Anger Damns the Innocent », Psychological Science, vol. 32, no 8, 2021, p. 1214-1226.

TIMKO, C. Alix, BHATTACHARYA, Anushua, FITZPATRICK, Kathleen Kara, HOWE, Holly, RODRIGUEZ, Daniel, MEARS, Connor, HECKERT, Kerri, UBEL, Peter A., EHRENREICH-MAY, Jill, PEEBLES, Rebecka; « The shifting perspectives study protocol: Cognitive remediation therapy as an adjunctive treatment to family based treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa », Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 103, 2021, p. 1-11.

Cette sélection d'activités d'encadrement couvre les 5 dernières années.


Direction de projets supervisés – maîtrise en sciences de la gestion (1)

Building Consistent Brands: Overcoming Resistance to Design Systems at Loto-Québec , par Emma Paulos
Septembre 2024