MS1 fr-ca
MS2 Associate Professor
MS3 Professeure agrégée
MS4 Professeure agrégée
MS2 Associate Professor
MS3 Professeure agrégée
MS4 Professeure agrégée
Jahan Ara Peerally
Professeure agrégée, Département d'affaires internationales
HEC Montréal3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7
Courriel :
Téléphone : 514 340-6578
Secrétariat: 514 340-6994
Télécopieur : 514 340-6987
Bureau : 3.242
Autre(s) titre(s)
- Responsable de la spécialisation Affaires internationales du B.A.A.
- B.Sc. Hons. (Business Management), King’s College, University of London
- M.Sc. (International Business), Birkbeck College, University of London
- Ph.D. (International Business), University of Mauritius, Mauritius
- Le développement économique par IDE
- Entreprises multinationales
- Transfert de technologie
- Création de capacité technologique innovante
- Économie de l’innovation et Systèmes d'innovation
- Pays en développements
Cette sélection de publications couvre les 5 dernières années.
Articles de revues (11)
PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, DE FUENTES, Claudia, SANTIAGO, Fernando, PARANHOS, Julia;
« Firm and non-firm actor collaborations as a determinant of countries' readiness, progress and success for developing COVID-19 vaccines »,
International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 94, no 3/4, 2024, p. 385-418.
ZHAO, Shasha, PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, DE FUENTES, Claudia, GONZALEZ-PEREZ, Maria Alejandra;
« The determinants of multinational enterprises' sustainable innovations »,
International Business Review, vol. 33, no 5, 2024, p. 1-9.
DOLOREUX, David, DE FUENTES, Claudia, PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, QUILLEY, Stephen;
« New industrial path development in ‘less glamorized regions’: Actors, agencies and rural opportunities »,
Journal of Economic Geography, 2024 (statut : accepté).
« How does the digital innovation process unfold in practice? A novel third-generation and empirical-based need–solution pairing model »,
European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 26, no 3, 2023, p. 730-754.
ROHANI, Vala Ali, PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, MOGHAVVEMI, Sedigheh, GUERREIRO, Flavio Carvalho, PINHO, Tiago;
« Illustrating scholar–practitioner collaboration for data-driven decision-making in the optimization of logistics facility location and implications for increasing the adoption of AR and VR practices »,
The TQM Journal, vol. 34, no 2, 2022, p. 280-302.
PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, DE FUENTES, Claudia, SANTIAGO, Fernando, ZHAO, Shasha et al.;
« The sustainability of multinational enterprises' pandemic-induced social innovation approaches »,
Thunderbird International Business Review, vol. 64, no 2, 2022, p. 115-124.
LIU, Xiaoyu, PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, DE FUENTES, Claudia, INCE, David, VREDENBURG, Harrie;
« Who Makes or Breaks Energy Policymaking in the Caribbean Small Island Jurisdictions? A Study of Stakeholders’ Perceptions »,
Sustainability, vol. 14, no 3, 2022, p. 1-19.
PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, SANTIAGO, Fernando, DE FUENTES, Claudia, MOGHAVVEMI, Sedigheh;
« Towards a firm-level technological capability framework to endorse and actualize the Fourth Industrial Revolution in developing countries »,
Research Policy, vol. 51, no 10, 2022, p. 1-22.
DE FUENTES, Claudia, NIOSI, Jorge, PEERALLY, Jahan Ara;
« Exploring innovation and export interplay in Canadian firms »,
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 30, no 8, 2021, p. 786-806.
SANTIAGO, Fernando, DE FUENTES, Claudia, PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, LARSEN, Jenny;
« Investing in innovative and productive capabilities for resilient economies in a post-COVID-19 world »,
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, vol. 12, no 2, 2020, p. 153-167.
« Inclusive innovation and the role of technological capability-building: The social business Grameen Danone Foods Limited in Bangladesh »,
Long Range Planning : International Journal of Strategic Management, vol. 52, no 6, 2019, p. 1-24.
Chapitres de livres (3)
PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, DE FUENTES, Claudia, ALMUKHTAR, Zainab;
« Reversing Nova Scotia’s declining rural agri-food sector »,
Cases on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Unexplored Topics and Contexts, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, p. 161-174.
DE FUENTES, Claudia, PEERALLY, Jahan Ara et al.;
« Transforming Innovation Systems for Sustainable Development Challenges: A Latin American Perspective »,
The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Latin America: Unleashing a Millennial Potential, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, p. 133-157.
PEERALLY, Jahan Ara, DE FUENTES, Claudia;
« Typifying latecomer social enterprises by ownership structure: Learning and building knowledge from innovation systems »,
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Meet Innovation Systems: Synergies, Policy Lessons and Overlooked Dimensions, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, p. 194-220.
Cette sélection d'activités d'encadrement couvre les 5 dernières années.
Hiver 2025
INTE 20086A
Automne 2024
INTE 20086A
Été 2024
INTE 90001A
INTE 90002A
Hiver 2024
INTE 20086A
INTE 80011A
Automne 2023
INTE 20086A
Été 2023
INTE 90002A
INTE 90001A
Hiver 2023
INTE 20086A